About Salim Ally

Salim Ally is a singer, songwriter of Zanzibar origin. With rapid growth of fans and popularity of his work, he is currently hailed as the Zanzibar Nasheed Master. His work is extensively popular in all East African countries and Middle East. He touches the hearts with his soulful voice, and relevant messages such as “Kilio Cha Yatima – the Orphan’s Cry” and “Baki Nyumbani – Stay Home”. However, he insists on never to stop to glorify and show gratitude to Allah for all of His countless blessings, such as in “Thank You O’ My Lord” and “The Guidance”


He started singing career by singing covers of other internationally renowned Islamic singers for amusement which triggered a swift discovery of amazing talent of writing and singing.


Exclusively managed by Noorzania Records.


Salim’ Releases

Kilio Cha Yatima "Orphan's Cry"




Shukran Ya Rabb

Guidance of My Life

Baki Nyumbani

Baki Nyumbani


Salim has performed in many big events in Tanzania such as Misk Ya Roho, VID – Volunteers in Deen Fundraising event, Nasheed competitions and more. Wehre there are other artists in these events, usually he is the one to watch for.

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"Zanzibar is proud of having Salim Ally"

 Zanzibar MP